This evening we found ourselves in a very uncomfortable emergency situation. Stuck on the side of the freeway, 18 wheelers buzzing like bees in a hive. My wife and two dogs, small dogs mind you, terrified and unsure of our next steps. We called for a tow. After midnight, and a tow was provided. Mike, our driver and rescuer, went above and beyond anything anyone could expect. Did he do it because he needed to? Perhaps he did it because that is what he is supposed to do? I don’t think so. No, he did it because he’s just a great guy concerned with his customers well-being. I am more than grateful, my wife is more than grateful, and we can only say hold on to that guy for as long as you can. What a blessing he is.
Advance Auto Transport
This evening we found ourselves in a very uncomfortable emergency situation. Stuck on the side of the freeway, 18 wheelers buzzing like bees in a hive. My wife and two dogs, small dogs mind you, terrified and unsure of our next steps. We called for a tow. After midnight, and a tow was provided. Mike, our driver and rescuer, went above and beyond anything anyone could expect. Did he do it because he needed to? Perhaps he did it because that is what he is supposed to do? I don’t think so. No, he did it because he’s just a great guy concerned with his customers well-being. I am more than grateful, my wife is more than grateful, and we can only say hold on to that guy for as long as you can. What a blessing he is.